PUGG A REDISTRIBUTED METAVERSE DESIGNED & SUPPORTED BY PUGG is associate entry-level metaverse house. Through open access ports, connecting reality mapping and society, destroying traditions and reshaping industries. every MetaCitizen will expertise the most effective of life and diversion through the completion of tasks, before finally realizing the reconstruction of the financial system that clothed to be associate economic revolution. INTRODUCING PUGG CRYPTO HOUSE The Binance sensible Chain (BSC) PUGG Foundation (PUGG)-based Play-To-Earn (P2E) metaverse game, "Virtual Life," may be a cyberpunk-dominated 3D game during which players will earn an explicit quantity of metallic element ($Calit). tokens by turning into a holder of their project ID, which might be found within the project demo. With its sleek and complex production, 3D image of the P2E mechanism is additionally terribly innovative with virtual workplace areas, and virtual votership games that provide virtu...